Are You Suffering from Sleep Apnea?

Adult couple suffering from snoring problem in bed. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions of people, significantly impacting their quality of life. It occurs when a person’s breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. If you often feel fatigued during the day, even after a full night’s sleep, you might be experiencing sleep apnea.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The most common signs of sleep apnea include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, often reported by another person
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Morning headache
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
  • Difficulty paying attention while awake
  • Irritability

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can affect anyone, but certain factors increase the risk:

  • Obesity: Excess body weight significantly contributes to sleep apnea. Fat deposits around the upper airway can obstruct breathing.
  • Neck circumference: A thicker neck may have a narrower airway.
  • Narrowed airway: Some people naturally have a thinner airway, or it can be due to the tonsils or adenoids enlarging and blocking the airway.
  • Being male: Men are two to three times more likely to have sleep apnea than women.
  • Age: Sleep apnea is more common in older adults.
  • Family history: Having family members with sleep apnea might increase your risk.
  • Use of alcohol, sedatives, or tranquilizers: These substances relax the muscles in your throat, which can worsen obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Smoking: Smokers are three times more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea than people who have never smoked.

Treating Sleep Apnea at Exceptional Dentistry

At Exceptional Dentsitry we take a more holistic approach to treating sleep apnea, with other 25 years of experience treating treating sleep-related breathing disorders, including sleep apnea we emply a more comprehensive approach that goes beyond the conventional CPAP machine.

  • Airway Orthodontics: Our airway orthodontics techniques are designed to expand the jaw and correctly align the teeth to enhance the airway, improving nighttime breathing and reducing snoring. This method not only helps you breathe better but also contributes to a more restful sleep.
  • Custom-Made Oral Appliances: Dr. Laurie employs innovative appliances that reshape the upper arch, allowing the lower jaw and tongue to find their optimal positions. This not only promotes better sleep and airway function but also enhances your appearance.
  • Myofunctional Therapy: This therapy focuses on strengthening the tongue and facial muscles, which improves breathing patterns and supports the airway more effectively. Myofunctional therapy is crucial in our holistic treatment plan, enhancing the structural support of the airway during sleep.
  • Jaw Surgery: In severe cases where anatomical limitations contribute to sleep apnea, corrective jaw surgery might be considered as a part of a multi-faceted approach to treatment.

Find Rest with Dr. Laurie

If you think you might be suffering from sleep apnea, don’t wait. Effective treatment can vastly improve your health and quality of life. Contact us today at Exceptional Dentistry to schedule a consultation with Dr. Laurie. Let us help you achieve a good night’s sleep with our expert care.

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Daniela Corzo